Water monitoring solutions
Water monitoring solutions
Driven by smart city and new infrastructure, it integrates satellite communication, 5G and the Internet of Things to build a water iot cloud platform, and improve the comprehensive management level of water conservancy and timely monitoring and response ability.
Application scenarios
Advantages of the plan
The terminal equipment is integrated and miniaturized

The leading iot module and chip technology can support more miniaturization, low power consumption and low cost of monitoring terminals.

The communication network is ubiquitous

Based on the autonomous and controllable multi-mode communication and automatic switching technology, the communication system with wide connection, good stability and full coverage is established to ensure the signal coverage and smooth communication at all times and all areas.

"One Picture" visual management

With spatial-temporal big data as the index and on the basis of the national water conservancy map, the integration and sharing, comprehensive display, rapid search and accurate positioning of water conservancy information resources in the whole region are realized.

Application cases
Water resources monitoring system of water resources Bureau
Sichuan, China
Application situation
Collect data such as water rain, ecological water amount and water resource status of reservoirs and hydropower stations in the whole region, make scientific decisions through statistical analysis, reduce the frequency of on-site inspection and monitoring, and complete inspection through intelligent monitoring terminals and system apps.
Using devices
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