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New home | Coresat Chengdu headquarters moved to a new location

A warbler moves into a tree and a swallow into a tall building. On the occasion of the upcoming fifth anniversary of Xinglian Xintong, Xinglian Xintong Chengdu headquarters officially moved into a new home, which is located on the 12-13 floor of Jianheng Development Center, No. 1 Chuangye Road, High-tech Zone, and a new journey will start from here.

This relocation is another important milestone in the history of Coresat. The new home of 3000 square meters will give the company more possibilities and greater development space. Xinglian Xintong will stand at a new starting point of sailing and meet the future with a new attitude and higher requirements.

At 6:00 a.m. on June 9, Coresat founder and CEO Dr. Liu Bo unveiled the new office.

At 9:00 am, Coresat's partners and some user representatives visited the new home to send their wishes and celebrate the housewarming. All employees are full of joy and enter the new office space.

The ensuing lion dance tour performance pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax, and everyone followed the footsteps of the lion to visit the company's exhibition hall, research and development, production and other areas.

In the flowers and laughter, guests and staff representatives sat down at the venue, and the activity entered the new product release link, so that everyone can understand the latest development results of Star Union Core through another form.

First of all, Dr. Liu Bo, founder and CEO of Coresat, extended a warm welcome to all guests and friends attending the ceremony, and expressed his sincere gratitude to all Coresat employees and their families.

Liu Bo said that after moving into the new home, Coresat will take this as a new starting point, always stay true to the original heart, strive to become the world's leading provider of satellite communication baseband technology and system solutions, and achieve a better future on the road of struggle on the new journey!

Subsequently, the company's marketing director Yi Yaming released the latest launch of Coresat's flagship domestic satellite phone new product - Tiantongka T1. At the end of the release, a lucky guest was selected to present T1 products of Tiantong coffee.

New home to start a new journey, thank you all the way, the future hand in hand, let us look forward to meet the next journey!