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China has successfully launched the Zhongxing 26 satellite, adding a new member to the high-throughput satellite family

At 19:49 on February 23, 2023, China's first high-throughput satellite with a capacity of over 100 Gbps, Zhongxing 26, was successfully launched into space at Xichang Satellite Launch Center.
Zhongxing 26 satellite is a high throughput broadband communication satellite in geostationary orbit, and it is also the most complex civil and commercial communication satellite with the largest communication capacity, the most beams and the most complex communication capacity of more than 100Gbps.
After the delivery of the satellite, the space science and technology group China Satcom will be responsible for the operation and management of the satellite, and the two high-throughput satellites in orbit, Zhongxing 16 and Zhongxing 19, jointly provide satellite Internet access services for aviation, navigation, emergency and energy industries in China and along the "Belt and Road".


The transformation of traditional satellite communication to high-pass quantitative is the future development trend of satellite communication industry. Compared with traditional communication satellites, high-throughput satellites have higher communication capacity and lower unit bandwidth cost, as well as more flexible terminal configuration, so that they can be qualified for the application field of traditional communication satellites.

At the same time, the characteristics of high-throughput satellites make their market applications more focused on traffic data communication terminals, which will contribute to the development of broadband access, relay communication, and mobile communication applications.

At present, high-throughput communication satellites generally use Ka band. In April 2017, China's first Ka-band high-throughput communication satellite, Zhongxing 16, was launched.

At present, the high-throughput satellite Internet represented by the Zhongxing 16 satellite has entered the stage of substantive application. With the launch of Zhongxing 26 satellite, it will help China to further build a high-throughput satellite system, improve China's broadband network system, and effectively promote China's satellite application and service capabilities.


In the past, when people mentioned satellite networks, the first thing that came to mind was that the connection was unstable and slow. However, as high-throughput satellites are gradually launched and put into operation, this stereotype will be broken.

It is understood that Zhongxing 26 satellite can support millions of terminal communication, the highest communication rate of 450Mbps. The satellite has a total of 94 user beams and 11 signal pass beams, covering China's territory and surrounding areas.

The satellite can provide high-speed broadband access services for fixed terminals, vehicle/ship/airborne terminals, and will play an important role in aviation airborne broadband, shipboard applications, emergency communications and other fields.

After the Zhongxing 26 satellite is put into operation, industrial customers and individual customers only need a VSAT device supporting the Ka band to access satellite Internet anytime and anywhere.

The new network service model provided by the high-throughput satellite network will fundamentally improve the network experience of customers, and more high-speed, convenient and cheap satellite broadband network services are coming.